Nothing but blue sky... A blend of thoughts, poetry, lyrics, travel anecdotes, anything that comes to mind mid-air, mid-stream, mid-thought about to take off ~ ...thoughts in flight

Sunday, May 18, 2008

I Love Kuromi!

Kuromi (クロミ Kuromi?) is the rival of My Melody from the anime Onegai My Melody, was created by Sanrio, and voiced by Junko Takeuchi. She is a white rabbit-like creature, wearing a black jester's hat with a pink skull on the front and a black "devil" tail in the place of a normal rabbit's tail. Kuromi's appearance also looks similar to those of cartoon characters from the 1920s and 1930s.

Kuromi is sometimes seen riding on a purple tapir known as Baku; he has the power of flight.
Kuromi is the leader of a gang known as "Kuromi's 5." Other members include a purple cat named Nyanmi, a pale orange dog named Wanmi, a white fox named Konmi, and a grey and white rat named Chumi. They all wear black and drive around in a menacing fashion.
Kuromi is the counterpart to another Sanrio bunny character, which is My Melody for sure. Although My Melody has warm feelings for Kuromi, Kuromi's feelings are more inclined to rivalry. Sometimes My Melody and Kuromi are friends too.
[edit]Official profile

Name: Kuromi
Birthday: October 31 (Halloween).
Personality: Although she looks punky she acts very girlish and She loves handsome guys.
Hobby: She enjoys writing in her diary. These days, she's into romance stories.
Favorite colors: Black and Hot Pink.
Favorite food: Pickled onions and in the other Kuromi merchandise recently Cherries are shown.

Goods featuring Kuromi first appeared in Japan in July 2005. She has three image songs all sung by her seiyū.
Kuromi has the same birthday as Hello Kitty's pet cat, Charmmy Kitty.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Moss Landing Kayaking

Greg and I went to Moss Landing, one hour south of San Jose, last weekend to sea kayak with a group of about 20 and a couple guides alongside sea otters, sea lions and seals - oh my! It was such great fun, and I think kayaking is the best way to enjoy oceanic nature without disturbing it too much. Paddle paddle through the blue waters with the breeze in my hair and the clean air filling my lungs -- I hadn't felt such pure joy in awhile when my smile literally reached from ear to ear. I forgot about everything.

The best part of the trip was watching sea otters joyfully grooming themselves to keep their waterproof coat in tact and cracking clams on their chests looking as if they were smiling and taking in the sun and lovely weather. I smile to myself when I think of their adorable little faces.

Now I have been sea kayaking in San Diego, Honolulu, Alaska, Costa Rica and Moss Landing, CA. :) Where to next?