Nothing but blue sky... A blend of thoughts, poetry, lyrics, travel anecdotes, anything that comes to mind mid-air, mid-stream, mid-thought about to take off ~ ...thoughts in flight

Friday, December 31, 2004

New Year's Eve Day

Just got back from a day out playing hookie from work. Hey, if they're going to lay me off and I don't have much to do, I'm going to go play. Bad, I know. Hee hee. I had lunch and had a great talk with a good friend. Did some shopping. Went to see an independent film "The Long Engagement" - a French movie with the same actress from "Amelie". What wonderful visuals, camera angles and beautiful details to capture the early 1900's during times of war and the aftermath. And the plot was rich with twists and turns, a movie you really had to pay attention to, challenging with subtitles and quick scene changes. I loved it! After exiting the movie, I called a good friend in LA to recommend that she see it, and she had just exited the theaters for the same movie at almost the same time. What a coincidence! Ha! Anyway, I'm getting ready to go play again for the night. Happy 2005!

Food for Thought

One of my New Year's resolutions is to lose weight. Since I work from home, my schedule is up to me, which leads me to procrastinate. Last year, when I was busier and traveling constantly across the country, I made time to workout and I didn't have time to waste. Now I lounge, watch TV, couch and eat to comfort stress. I'm more productive when I'm busy, crazy, running all over the place trying to manage my time. Now I've got too much time to manage and too much time to feed my face in place of so much I'm missing. It's time to get off my butt and start something new. 2005 begins soon - a clean slate, a new start. Let's go, Girl!

Thursday, December 30, 2004

A Ray of Light

I went outside on the roofdeck of my building this afternoon to take a break from doing a couple loads of laundry. It had been rainy, cloudy, overcast all day. For 3 minutes while I was outside, a circle of blue sky opened up above and the sun came streaming down on my face. As I closed my eyes and felt the warmth of the sun on my face, I felt like someone was telling me everything's going to be all right. Take it one drop of rain at a time, and the sun will eventually show its face.

Beginning a New Day in Blogville

It's a rainy day here in San Francisco. The rain is cleansing the City and it's cleansing me. There are many reasons for me to run outside to do errands, revisit the City after coming back from a week-long vacation or just be in the presence of people. But I don't feel like it - not in this rain and not the way I feel right now. A couple things are happening in my life - my mom's going through an episode in her life, I may be laid off from my job soon. With a rainfall of emotions going through me, I need to express myself, put my words and feelings out there without imposing on anyone. Life is what you make it, right? My mom needs to work through her issues herself, she needs to make herself happy. I can't do that for her. If I get laid off, I'm planning vacations to take me out of my element, put me back in touch with my true roots, get me out of here, may give me the best moments of my life, put it on the credit card, I don't care. A gift if you will. Thoughts in flight. I wish it would rain harder in the meantime.