Nothing but blue sky... A blend of thoughts, poetry, lyrics, travel anecdotes, anything that comes to mind mid-air, mid-stream, mid-thought about to take off ~ ...thoughts in flight

Monday, October 23, 2006

Peru - A Breakthrough Trip

Shannon and I went to Peru for a lifetime of a vacation to Lima, Cuzco, Machu Picchu and the Amazon that we will never forget. It was another dot on my Central and South American map, and what a dot it was as it was such a well-rounded, amazing trip with guides to complete it that filled us in on the history and background for everything we saw and experienced. We loved every minute of it!

I needed this trip to offset some recent downfalls and disappointments in my life, a loss of love, a loss of a life that I thought I was going to have. This trip happened during a time that was supposed to change the course of my life but never happened, but in the interim, this adventure to Peru inspired me, took me completely out of my box and pushed me through to the other side so that I am ready for the next step, so that I am completely revived and the recent past has been completely extinguished and replaced with a whole new light and vision that will take me to who knows where.

Plans are in motion, a new relationship is blooming - so we shall see where this all takes me. I am ready! Bring it on!!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Land of the Andes

I never thought I would find myself where I am today for vacation, but it has been absolutely amazing so far. I am checking off the places I want to go in South and Central America, and this is one of them. Yay!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Kind Eyes

Michael B. and I went to a Middle Eastern restaurant last night as I saw it by chance one day and noticed it seemed busy with lots of people happily eating their food, must be good. And it was very yummy and decidedly more tasty than other similar-menued restaurants as you could feel the authenticity and care they put into each bite. A couple busily greeted, cooked and served the food in this busy, tiny establishment. I complimented the lady on the food, and I asked her what country specifically she and her food comes from. She explained with such kind, gentle eyes, and she patiently explained the menu and the specials that they offer. She didn't have that big-city look of cynicism and no trace of negativity. Lovely. I will come back to this restaurant for sure not only for the delicious food but for the genuine hospitality and kindness. Thank you.