Nothing but blue sky... A blend of thoughts, poetry, lyrics, travel anecdotes, anything that comes to mind mid-air, mid-stream, mid-thought about to take off ~ ...thoughts in flight

Thursday, August 18, 2005

My Grandma's Scarves

My Grandma O. was a wonderful, happy-go-lucky spirit. I miss her smile and laugh and jibber jabber stories of her childhood that were often repeated over and over again as we rolled our eyes, "When I was a girl, all I did was play play play"...she was a beautiful person and an expert at crocheting. The intricate doilies she made during her younger days were made of such fine stitching, such eye to detail and what love and joy with every twist and turn of her needle. As she got older and her eyes became a little weaker, her stitches became wider using yarn rather than paper-thin thread. When I moved up to the Bay Area, she would knit me scarves in all different colors everytime I came home. "Oh, it's cold in San Francisco. I make Maile another scarf." Red, white, yellow, blue, green, whatever color she was using at that time. I remember telling her, "Grandma, it's ok, you made me enough scarves. You remember, you made me one the last time I came home?" Nevermind, she crocheted away, a way to keep her hands busy, keep her mind going, keep her happy that she was making something I could enjoy and use. If only she was here to make me another scarf...she passed away some three years ago.

I went to the Top of the Mark last night all bundled up, Grandma's red scarf around my neck. In all the hubbub of dancing, talking and mingling around the room, I misplaced my red knitted scarf sometime during the night and didn't realize it til I was home snug as a bug in a rug in bed. I quickly called the Mark Hopkins Hotel to see if they found it..."It was made by my Grandma". The front desk guy said, "Oh you don't want to lose that... we'll look for it." They did and they found it - thank goodness, the red one is my favorite one too. I went by Mark Hopkins this morning to pick it up. The housekeeping lost and found ladies nicely folded it for me and the front desk guy brought it back to me. "It was made by my Grandma. She put lots of love in each of the scarves she made for me." Just for me. It was quite cool and windy in San Francisco this morning, so I wrapped the scarf around my neck and skipped on my way. Everytime I wear one of my Grandma's scarves I feel her love coming down to wrap around me. Sleep tight, Grandma, we miss you~*