Nothing but blue sky... A blend of thoughts, poetry, lyrics, travel anecdotes, anything that comes to mind mid-air, mid-stream, mid-thought about to take off ~ ...thoughts in flight

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Perfectly Imperfect and Loving It

Today was my 3rd singing class with Vernon Bush and 20+ singing classmates. After the success of Vernon's CD release party on Friday night, the air was light and happy, happy for him and his 10 years of hard work come to fruition. He had us do an exercise in improvisation using a song he quickly taught us about believing that you have everything you need to succeed and it will come.

Classmates volunteered to lead the group clapping and singing to the song, fears conquered of being vulnerable, making mistakes, singing off tune, all those critical voices that naturally surface in everyone's head ~ being perfectly imperfect. Four individuals volunteered, faired well and were jubilant from the experience, instant growth and letting down of guards. Each were asked how they felt after volunteering and then after they completed their piece - nervousness, dizzy, happy they volunteered, adrenaline pumping, hearts a-pounding. Vernon wanted one more hand shot up before I knew what happened. Vernon was shocked and pleased because I hardly said a peep during the last two classes and he beamed at a new person putting herself out there.

Fear slowly took over...he asked me how I felt, and I exclaimed, "OHMYGOD" (what did I just do)! It's getting hot in here, I'm sweaty, somebody open the window. Hee hee, the class laughed with me. Ok, clap, clap, stomp, clap, I started the song soft-voiced at first growing stronger and the room followed. Vernon asked me to improvise, add my own punch and pitch, I did my best, he told me to keep going - exhilarating, freeing and ooo, still hot in here. But I got through it! Sweaty and so happy that I stepped up and conquered something so deep inside that it's hard to explain. Smiles and exuberance that I faced that feat, little for some, huge for me! Perfectly imperfect, so what, it was me, singing, adrenaline and heart pumping to no end ~ such joy at sharing my voice, confidence building in every which way!!!!