Nothing but blue sky... A blend of thoughts, poetry, lyrics, travel anecdotes, anything that comes to mind mid-air, mid-stream, mid-thought about to take off ~ ...thoughts in flight

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Mi Amor, I Love You

GG emailed me in response to a slightly worried email from me that I might not ever see him as his return trip to Costa Rica from Italy was postponed once again, once again postponing his trip here to San Francisco to see me. He expressed such sweet concern back, truth, love and a plead for my patience and love in return. love, ok, my sweet, ok ok.

"...Ciao, mi amor. Oigo lo que tu dice, mi amor....Y sí, es muy difícil que el corazón tenga también una relación de larga distancia. Parece para siempre desde que duro le vio y sentía su toque, pero tengo las memorias que tengo contigo cierran a mí. Recuerdo todo. Y seré paciente para ti, mi amor, porque yo se sienten que lo que you and I tiene es muy especial. Esperaré pacientemente para ti, Giuliano...

Te quiero mucho, GG (Esto es lo que yo le llamo con mucho cariño). :) Sea feliz y la sonrisa, mi amor. Tu tiene mi corazón siempre. Kiss Kiss Kiss."

Translation, please (Love always sounds better in Spanish):

"Ciao, my love. I hear what you are saying, my love. ...Yes, it is very difficult for my heart to have a long distance love too. It seems like forever since I last saw you and felt your touch, but I hold the memories I have with you close to me. I remember everything. And I will be patient for you, my love, because I feel what you and I have is very special. I will wait patiently for you, Giuliano..

I love you, GG (this is what I call you with lots of affection). :) Be happy and smile, my love. You have my heart, always. Kiss Kiss Kiss."
