Old Co-workers Help Close the Door

I had dinner with my old co-worker Judy tonight while she was in town for a work meeting, staying at a local hotel within my view. Just so I could check out the beautiful Fairmont Hotel, I went into the hotel lobby with her, and then I ran into a couple of other old co-workers who were from my immediate area, my area team, whom I didn't get around to emailing after I left that job in a hurry.
Everything happened so fast during those last few days, then I left for Costa Rica and then I started my new job that only in the last few days have I actually had a chance to catch my breath and catch up with my thoughts, thoughts that I need to email some people to tell them what happened and what I've been up to. Well, here were two of them right in front of me! They were equally surprised and happy to see me, wanting to know what was up only knowing bits and pieces. I filled them in and told them about my grandiose plans, helping the cycle come to a full close - funny how life tumbles and turns and happens just the way it's supposed to!
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