Importance of Separating Work and Home

I just recently worked from home. It definitely had its perks and independence that I regret giving up at times, but I am happy I made my move back to an office environment for right now mostly because I have given definition to work and home in my life as I live in a studio condo. I was in denial that I could define spaces and "close office" by turning off my work laptop and fax machine, work energy was leaking into my bedroom and was seriously affecting my sleep patterns. I have since left that job for other reasons as well as my ultimate happiness and more money. Now that I travel to work on Bart and shuttle, my work is officially separate, and my home is genuinely a home without any work files or any hints of work life, I refuse to bring work home with me. And happily, my sleep patterns are on a more normal field, I sleep and nap on the shuttle to work too, I am definitely more rested, sleeping peacefully, happy. ZZzzz...zzz.z....
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