World Cup 2006 - ITA vs. AUS

I called in sick today due to bad allergies that turned into a rampant cold, but it gave me the opportunity to watch the World Cup game this morning between Italy and Australia - What a game! I do not pretend to understand all of the game details of soccer, half the time I am distracted by all the good-looking international players with their muscular soccer legs and asses - as the cameras scanned the Italian soccer team on the bench, I was temporarily mesmerized - but this particular game was captivating all the way down to the 95th second (don't know what that really means) when Totti # 10 from the Italian team kicked in that cataclysmic penalty shot that ultimately won the game for Italy - that look in Totti's eyes before he kicked it in was one of pure fire concentration and determination as he was picturing the ball hitting the inside net. When the ball went in sailing passed the Australian goalie, I could hear Giuliano and his Italian friends whooop for joy in front of their TVs in Costa Rica. Next, we will see if Italy is up against Switzerland or the Ukraine in the next round. Italia!
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