Nothing but blue sky... A blend of thoughts, poetry, lyrics, travel anecdotes, anything that comes to mind mid-air, mid-stream, mid-thought about to take off ~ ...thoughts in flight

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A World of Knowledge

I finally finished reading " The DaVinci Code" the other week (it took me so long because I could only read it during my train commute to and from work), so now my life can move on - ha! Presently, I am juggling three books - one to help me learn Spanish, one about being a bridesmaid/maid of honor and another one about being a smart landlord. Between these books, work and my near-future plans, my brain is full, swimming with thoughts, and I cannot concentrate on any one thing or conversation for very long. Juggling books like this is the perfect solution for an ADD self-diagnosed young woman like myself. So much to know, so much to learn in a definitive amount of time, but reading these books are making certain questions in my life clearer, more manageable, more foreseeably envisioned so that my direction and goals can eventually be met. Thank goodness for the availability of knowledge right at the corner Borders or Barnes & Noble.