The Story of Two

April 2005, I flew to Costa Rica for a week of vacation with a friend, bitter, done with men, just done, trying to be at peace with the thought of being single for the rest of my life not ever finding that one love...true love. We toured, relaxed and enjoyed the ways of the Costa Ricans for a few days escaping to the hotel pool for a dip and swim every moment we got in the sweltering heat. One day, needing some space and air, I went to the pool solo - ahh, I had the waters to myself or so I thought as I noticed a man sunning himself on one of the beach chairs in the corner. I'll just slip into the water quietly so as not to disturb him and so that he won't notice me, just slip into the...damn, he woke up and saw me get in. Well, maybe he'll just go back to sleep, paddle paddle. He goes to the pool shower to rinse off but it doesn't work, I remembered the water wasn't running before I left my room - "No agua ahora" I said. He acknowledged me with a smile and appreciated that I noticed his look of question at the non-dripping faucet.
He smiles, "Where are you from?" I detect an accent of some kind. "Uh...San Francisco. You?" "Italy...Milan" "Ahh...nice." He didn't speak much English, and my Spanish es poquito. We struggled to converse a little, sign-languaging when necessary when we could, somehow we talked about our home countries, family, work, friends, why we were in Costa Rica, he wants to start an Italian restaurant. After some time, running out of things to say in my high school Spanish, I said, "My birthday is in July." "Me too", he said, "What day?" he prods. "July seis, sixth"..."What? Me too!!" No way, no he's pulling my it's true. Wow. And from that point, we struggled some to meet in the middle as he asked me out, went out and had a wonderful time together. There was a pull between us that was indescribable, just happened, and there is no language barrier to love. Somehow he and I just knew...
After I came home, we emailed, text messaged each other, he said he loved me. I said I loved him too, but I really didn't know, just didn't know after spending only 3 days together. Yet he knew, so I had faith. Months and months of corresponding went by, and he wanted to come to San Francisco to see me, but was it really going to happen. I waited, not a complete angel, but something in my heart told me that when he came here to me, it would be something special. When he told me he would be here in December for a month, my prayers were answered, and I knew everything was going to be fine. It was more than fine, it was wonderful, and as he and I learned about each other, still struggling to communicate sometimes, we fell in love. Love!
A month after he left, I went to Costa Rica to see him again, and it only re-confirmed our love, stronger than ever, so hard to leave his arms to come back here to San Francisco to finish what I started, to save money, to clean up all the loose ends towards a future together forever. He and I know what we've got is special, and it shows through in our smiles together in the sun of Costa Rica. I love you, my baby! Kisses, besos, baci, love.
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