Nothing but blue sky... A blend of thoughts, poetry, lyrics, travel anecdotes, anything that comes to mind mid-air, mid-stream, mid-thought about to take off ~ ...thoughts in flight

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Amazing Life This Is

With all the ups and downs of 2005, I look back with warmth and smiles at this amazing life. The first thing that comes to mind is my sensory-awakening trip to Costa Rica and the day I met my GG, light and sparks, something extraordinarily special was born as we were brought together at the right time. Through the year, all my friendships and relationships whirled and twirled, some faded, some disappeared and some became stronger than ever as life lets you see who the keepers are and those who you should simply let go of. Theatre like "Wicked" and wondrous concerts like Duran Duran, Coldplay and U2 were sprinkled in throughout the year to keep my artistic nerve endings alive and well.

My second major trip of the year to Rio de Janeiro, Iguacu Falls and Buenos Aires awoke me to the core and I am forever changed in tune with a wavelength and understanding of life that is organic and so basic but so infinitely important to this life. The ebb and flow of my love for GG was tabled and distracted briefly by a beautiful Brazilian, a lightning bolt of a gorgeous man, ultimately showing me that my heart will and always belong to my GG but unearthing who I am and what makes Maile on a completely unexpected level that took my breath away and shook me from the inside out. I continue my processes of leveling out and flying straight, I still have time.

And here I am now, on the brink of the holidays, weeks from seeing my LOVE come to complete fruition, reaching, loving and opening my heart to whatever comes. Whatever comes, living and loving life like it's golden. And it is Golden~*

IT'S OH SO QUIET - by Bjork

it's oh so quiet
it's oh so still
you're all alone
and so peaceful until

you fall in love
the sky up above
is caving in

you've never been so nuts about a guy
you wanna laugh, you wanna cry
you cross your heart and hope to die

'til it's over and then
it's nice and quiet
but soon again
starts another big riot!

you blow a fuse
the devil cuts loose
so what's the use
of falling in love

it's oh so quiet
it's oh so still
you're all alone
and so peaceful until

you ring the bell
you shout and you yell
you broke the spell

gee, this is swell, you almost have a fit
this guy is gorge and I got hit
there's no mistake

'til it's over and then
it's nice and quiet
but soon again
starts another big riot!

you blow a fuse
the devil cuts loose
what's the use
of falling in love?

the sky caves in
the devil cuts loose
you blow
blow your fuse
when you fall in love