Water Power - Iguacu Falls

Iguacu, Iguassu, Iguazu - oy, I can't get it right, so Iguacu Falls - ahhh! I have never seen Niagara Falls, but now I'm not sure it will do any justice because I have seen Iguacu Falls, so widespread and awe-inspiring that nothing can compare. I was not prepared for the speechlessness I experienced at seeing the Falls, especially on the Brazilian side. I've seen pictures, friends have visited and have shown me their shots, pictures on websites, but to stand in front of the Iguacu Falls is absolutely indescribably wondrous. Its power of water should be harnessed to power the world, absolutely. Someone should look into this if it hasn't already been done.
Ana and I covered ourselves in raingear and helmet to board a speedboat that took us to the foot of the Falls and ran us by the spray purposely too much to get us wet and invoke squeals. Advised to take a waterproof camera by a friend, I recorded the entire experience - wheee! I shouldn't have bothered with the raingear because we got hit by a wall of water as it splashed over the side of the boat and hit Ana and I square in the face and all over our clothes and feet (our guide told us we should probably bring an extra change of clothes - good thing he did! Ha!). We screamed! - and it seemed like we were the only ones screaming as we were the only ones who got hit, a direct hit - ha! Even the lady sitting next to Ana was quite dry. We screamed, laughed, screamed some more out of pure delight and fun.
Unforgettable Iguacu Falls. Period.
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