Nothing but blue sky... A blend of thoughts, poetry, lyrics, travel anecdotes, anything that comes to mind mid-air, mid-stream, mid-thought about to take off ~ ...thoughts in flight

Saturday, September 17, 2005

How Did He Know?

I had a very surreal, unexpected experience at a here not far from my place last night with my friend Roman, a place where there were only men, no one that I thought would be interested in me because they were all of the other side. I was safe, or so I thought. I was the only woman in this place, men turned around as I entered the hallways sort of shocked to see a female roaming their hallowed territory, quite strange, normally intimidating but for some reason, I didn't care. The performing birthday-suited dancers were ultra hot with god-like bodies; I admired them from afar because I thought they were of the other side as well, unattainable by all, especially me. Nope.

One Brazilian beautiful specimen of a man, one of the dancers, propositioned me. What are you doing later? What? - I didn't notice him talking to any of the other attendees - are you serious? Yes with penetrating, mesmerizing eyes through the glass of his after-show glory. Oh I don't know, completely taken aback...hee hee...uh...I don't know, I don't think so...Why not? He wouldn't let me drop his gaze... Because I'm a good girl - yeah right, Roman said - making a halo sign over my head and flapping my imaginary wings. No, he said with happy mischievious eyes that reminded me of two men in my past simultaneously sending my body into a flurry, he said that I'm not an angel as he made devil horns on his head with his fingers and then playfully pointing at me. Me? - of course, I knew better, I know myself. What do you mean, how could you tell? He said that he could see it in my eyes, in my face.

After he showered off and changed, unbelievably gorgeous, that sweater and perfect body, the Brazilian led me through a blur of a labyrinth to a place where only wild fantasies live. Heated start, talked, told him I'm going to Rio on Tuesday, he's not of the other side at all, an architect student from Sao Paulo raising money for his future, mind over matter...I lost all resistance, ooo, what?...what the hell was I doing, safe, way surreal and unimaginable, a beyond unexpectedly fine night as I enjoyed the ride, a haze of a dream and one that I would never forget.