I Love this Feeling

I love this feeling after just getting back from a trip. I feel relaxed and happy, and everything around me looks fresh and new. I look at the people around me and the culture here in San Francisco at the differences from what I saw in Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires at the things I like and don't like about San Francisco as compared to these places. I love when people ask about my trip and I beam and tell them all the wonderful things we experienced. I totally light up! Going to Costa Rica earlier this year awakened my senses in more ways than one, but this trip to Rio and Buenos Aires made me feel ALIVE!
Ahhh, and I finally figured out how to add pictures to my blog!!! Geez, all I needed to do was use Safari and there is the icon, easy as that, sheez, what was I doing all this time using Explorer. So enjoy! This is my favorite picture taken of some window cleaners in Buenos Aires. Funny how they all seem so well-coordinated with each other and they look like tiny spiders synchronized on the outside of this beautiful glass wall of blue. Lovely.
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