Change is Coming

I can feel it, change is coming for me. I reached some kind of window, wall in my career, an intersection at which I'm ready to make a much-needed change. What I do right now doesn't feel fulfilling, and I don't feel good about the quality of my work, just doesn't feel like a good fit for me any longer after five years, and the truth came out, tears and undeniable emotion a few weeks back that was a sure sign that I needed to do something. In a profit-driven big company, quantity of work is more important than quality, and that just doesn't sit well with me, the corporate chain was driving me down to the ground making feel like a caged animal with my hands on the bars looking for a way out.
No more - although I have much to be thankful for, I am, like a vacation for two years, it's time to make a change, in the same industry, a twist and turn in positions is all. And it's funny because a phone call from a consistent contact, came at just the time when I was hitting that wall hard blinding me and distorting my vision, that phone ring and message was my beacon in the haze, funny how life works that way. Now with a little time, a bit of perspective, a new simpatico tug on my heart and a relaxed state of mind after my vacation, I see what's in front of me, I listen and realize that this new opportunity that was given to me is a nice culmination of everything I've learned over the years including what I obtained through my education, a nice progression over the last 7 years. Amazing.
I want to hit this next step, bat it out of the park, and see where it takes me. Just when I thought I couldn't get back up, life gave me a lift to get the momentum started again. So I'm here in the moment taking it in. If a window of opportunity is given to me, I am going to open it as wide as I can, and climb right through. Anything is possible, here I go.
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