Little Did I Know

I was waiting for my friend to connect her flight to San Jose, Costa Rica last April, so to kill time I struck up a conversation with an older couple who shared with me the little snack table where I was standing. They were Americans, ex-patriates - hmmm, interesting. I asked them how they sustain themselves in this country - they are retired, have saved for this, travel all year long all around the world. Is there anything you cannot get here that you can only get in the U.S. - no, there's a variety of food here available, the country is small that you can get around and get what you need if it's not in your immediate area, the only thing they can't seem to find is good quality bed sheets - bed sheets? Wow, everything else is attainable. The American, ex-patriate couple looked tanned, relaxed, not an ounce of stress in their faces or demeanor. I remember wanting what they have, and wondering if I could possibly make it happen. Little did I know, but less than a year later, I am doing my research and working to get to my love, a new life, a new beginning - a life that was accidentally discovered, stumbled upon via love - wild, absolutely wild. I wish I could talk to that same couple again to gain more insights, but I have my wits about me and a will to move forward. Small changes are falling into place, decisions are being made. I can do this.
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