Amazing Life This Is - Part II

"I love you" - "I love you too"!! He's off on a plane to Costa Rica. Smile, wave...What an amazing month we spent together, walking all over San Francisco, taking the cable car, holding hands, talking, seeing San Francisco through experienced and new eyes, walking across the Golden Gate Bridge with him, strolling along beaches, capturing it all through pictures and sharing them with friends along the way, eating his wonderful Italian cooking everyday, breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, dessert, take a shower in the morning and then I come out with steaming Italian coffee and breakfast waiting for me everyday! He left me a little meat red sauce in a bowl in the fridge - on accident on purpose? - so I had a little bit more of his tasty cooking today with spaghetti...ahhh.... :) Thank you, my love.
His visit was in perfect timing with the holidays as we were closed between Christmas and New Years with an extra few days off, work was slow, perfect timing. Also, via dinner parties, individual cooked dinners, house invites, visits from out of town, Giuliano got to meet alot of friends whom I consider very important in my life. So happy for that as they have all heard about him over the last year, and now they have met him in person and experienced his fine Italian cooking. Waved good-bye to him at the airport with a bit of drama as he was supposed to leave at 12:30 AM on the 20th not the 21st - oops! But I would've gladly paid another $100 for him to stay one more day. Plans to see him again in Costa Rica in early March, I can barely wait, letting work distract me as much as possible, making possible plans to move out of this country. It's all a bit overwhelming, daunting but pretty damn exciting!
Upon returning from the airport, winded and tired, a pink post-it saying "I LOVE YOU!! KISS" stuck to my computer sent me into tears but solidified the fact that this is all worth it. I love you too, KISS!!
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