Green Italia Jacket

I have been wishing and hoping for a jacket from Italy, not anything of fashionable design, but a sporty sweatshirt-type zip-up kind that is comfortable and colorful and says ITALIA is great big letters maybe with a little Italian flag on it. I may have the opportunity to go to Italy later this year, but this is something I wanted now. On Saturday, I found myself in a vintage clothing store in Berkeley just toodling around not really looking for anything in particular...and there it was hanging on the rack!! A green zip-up with a yellow and red border with ITALIA in little embroidered yellow letters with the Italian flag below it, it was in a small, and oh so perfect!! Even though I told myself I was going to cut back on expenditures and not buy anymore jackets or wintery-type clothes, I HAD to get this, like it was meant for me!! I washed it tonight and it is proudly lying flat drying - I can't wait to wear it!!
4/23/06 - I wore this jacket today while walking around San Francisco, and a man walking the opposite way while we both crossed the street looked at me, two fingers up in a peace sign and said, "Peace, Italia!!" I was thrown off a little at first, but smiled big for him in appreciation.
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