Nothing but blue sky... A blend of thoughts, poetry, lyrics, travel anecdotes, anything that comes to mind mid-air, mid-stream, mid-thought about to take off ~ ...thoughts in flight

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Basketball Diaries

Years ago, Robert and I each bought basketballs at Costco because they were on special and they both had a self-pump that we thought was really cool. Robert teased me that I'd probably never use that basketball, and I childishly retorted, "Yes, I will, you just see!" It lived with me fully pumped and shiny-new in Oakland and then moved with me to San Francisco and lived with me here for the past year and half still fully pumped and shiny-new, still hasn't touched the surface of a basketball court or blacktop. I think I bounced it around inside in one of my homes at one time for about 5 seconds, every so often Robert would tease me and ask if I've used the basketball yet, and I'd reply with a little "no..." and giggle "but I will, you'll see!"

I spent Easter Sunday with Robert today, and we went into a sporting goods store looking for something. Robert later told me he wanted to buy a basketball because his got stolen - "Ok, you can have mine", I said. A smile crept up on his face, "Have you used it?" "No..." hee hee. So it went from Costco in the east bay to Oakland to San Francisco and it will soon be going back to Robert in the east bay when he comes to pick it up - that basketball has traveled and moved more than some people - ha! Maybe I will go out to the sidewalk one day and bounce it around a little, maybe write my name on the side with a little heart just to show that it was mine for awhile. Hee hee.