
Connie and I went to this awesome and relateable-on-so-many-levels play last night during the last weekend of their run here in San Francisco.
"No one mourns the wicked" - namely for someone who tried to make my life miserable this week, it'll all come back to you some way somehow. "Dancing through life" - through all the good and bad, dance through it and later you may see why all that happened took place to change you, to shake things up, wake you up and alter your life direction in the end for the better. "Defying gravity" is about going against the grain, breaking out and through, doing the unexpected, reaching beyond what you think you can reach, unlimited bound by nothing. "I'm not that girl" - you might feel this way but maybe you were the right one all along, not everything is as it seems, feel with all your heart and you could never ultimately go wrong. "Because I knew you...I have changed for good...." - I miss you, Mike, but I know you came into my life for a reason, and I'm changed forever for the good because of you, thank you ever so much. I also know in my heart that I gave you something equally special back, I do.
On a complete last-minute whim, we got tickets for lovely "Wicked", and the timing of it couldn't have been more perfect - I was touched, opened and given light through the seeming darkness.
Faith - have it, hold onto it with all your might~*
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