Nothing but blue sky... A blend of thoughts, poetry, lyrics, travel anecdotes, anything that comes to mind mid-air, mid-stream, mid-thought about to take off ~ ...thoughts in flight

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Airport Shuttle Wisdom

I have been a long-time customer of a certain green van airport shuttle. Over the years, there were a few regular drivers that I got into talks with especially on my way home from one of my many many travels - they've confirmed my feelings, they've listened to me complain about my back-then constant travels, my work, they've opened my eyes to what's good in my life that I wasn't seeing, and they've helped me see things from their perspective - another view from what was just stuck stagnant in my head.

Through my travels, through these guys, I always give props to those whom I meet along the way no matter where they come from, socio-economic status, occupation, whatever because some of the most wisest people I've talked to who really get life are the taxi drivers, the airport shuttle guys, the cleaning women, security guards - you've no idea what stories they have, what life they've seen, what innate joy they glean from human nature. Gems of people are everywhere if you take the time out to let the words flow and congregate.