Nothing but blue sky... A blend of thoughts, poetry, lyrics, travel anecdotes, anything that comes to mind mid-air, mid-stream, mid-thought about to take off ~ ...thoughts in flight

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Back from the Hood

Just got back from a work training trip to Bridgewater, NJ where my original company is based. All these flashbacks of my first interview with the company came flashing back as I even stayed at the same hotel. Saw some familiar faces, hugs like family, comforting, worked with a program that came from our original company, acquainted with new team members - it's all good. Along the way, I met Marlon, a Jamaican singer and performance artist, who showed me a very different side of New Jersey, East Orange, New Jersey to be specific, the heart of the hood where we picked up some real Jamaican fried chicken and rice. A walk on the wild side, and no way could I ride and walk in that neighborhood without him, quite an experience, he laughed as he saw my eyes wide open and curious looking around taking it all in. Good times, good times.