Nothing but blue sky... A blend of thoughts, poetry, lyrics, travel anecdotes, anything that comes to mind mid-air, mid-stream, mid-thought about to take off ~ ...thoughts in flight

Sunday, April 10, 2005

I'm Here Now

I saw you on Friday at the usual place after many months, so good to see you, sorry I was "gone" for so long. I had to get some distance to take air of my life and myself, and I know that you understand even though it's difficult to articulate it as the reasons are not clear or black and white, a strong pull that I felt I needed so I let it all go and let it pull me out for a time. Peace and balance surfaces and prevails now, and I am stepping out forward finally. And I am truly happy for you that you have found that certain special something as that is rare to find in this world, I know that too well. Truly happy for you and that is not a front. I just don't want to know details, and I think you understand that on some level, just how I feel across the board, not just you, the way I handle my emotions as they are constantly fleeting, strong and somewhat tangled on many respects all at the same time, the complicated being that I am. I know there are other aspects of your life that are not going as well as you would like, I can sense your pain. Just know that I am here now, take it any way you want. It must be a sort of shock that I am "back" because of the uncertainty and thoughts that I would never return, but through it all, my spirit never left your side and I was always your friend. Come talk to me.