Nothing but blue sky... A blend of thoughts, poetry, lyrics, travel anecdotes, anything that comes to mind mid-air, mid-stream, mid-thought about to take off ~ ...thoughts in flight

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Affirmations All Around

We go through life in steps hopefully in a graduation to something better all the time - college, graduate school, career, travel, first home then maybe someday marriage, kids, long life. Truthfully, up til now, I went through life rushing, running to the next step, doing what I thought I had to do, kind of what was expected but what I wanted at the same time, not really taking the time to see the outcome of the last step.

When life swirls around you, sometimes it takes someone else to put things into perspective to really see just how far you've come, that it's not such an uphill climb, that you've done good, that being content with what you have is really ok. I've been receiving a number of positive congratulatory life checks lately from family, new co-workers, friends and neighbors for what I've done with my life so far at a ripe age of 32.

I've stopped in my tracks to take a breather, looked back at everything that life has brought me so far and realized that I am completely content and that my life is cool. If asked if I am where I thought I would be at 32, I would whole-heartedly say YES!

Now we shall see what the next chapter brings!